Brim Fell 2nd July 2015 16:42hrs 30/2015


Lower down the weather was dry and clear, but the tops were wet, windy and misty.

The team was called out to help two male walkers who had become disorientated in mist whilst trying to find the track up to The Old Man of Coniston. They had actually ascended Brim Fell and headed towards Swirl Hawse before deciding to call for help. Fortunately we were able to locate their position via the SARLOC system.

Since their location was easily determined, it was not necessary to raise a full team call out request. Two members set off up the fell from Bursting Stone Quarries, followed by another two once the land rover was secured. The casualties were located cold but safe, on the ridge just north of Brim Fell as predicted. They were given warm clothing and accompanied off the fell. Once back at base, hot drinks and food in the form of Mars bars, were provided, before the two gentlemen were driven back to their own vehicles in the village.

5 team personnel took part in this incident which took 2 1/4  hours.


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