Buck Pike 13th April 2015 18:16hrs 13/2015


It was a dry but cloudy evening, with mist and strong winds higher on the fells.

The Team was asked to go to the assistance of two walkers who had phoned to say they were lost on the Old Man. The weather was worsening, they were becoming cold and therefore worried.

Three Land Rovers were deployed and Team Members were sent out in groups to search the various routes up the mountain. It was then ascertained that, following a Grid Reference identified by the SARLOC system (a means of tracing people via their mobile phones), the couple were in fact on the Dow Crag ridge, at a location between Brown Pike and Buck Pike. The search therefore concentrated on that area and the walkers were soon found near Buck Pike. They were given warm clothing and accompanied down off the fell, and then driven back to the Base.

20 Team Personnel responded to this call out which took just under 2 ½ hours.


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