Above Harrowslack

Incident 30 of 2024:-
01/06/24, 13:11, Above Harrowslack, SD384962
A couple out walking had just ascended a steep section of the track above Harrowslack on the West side of Windermere, when the gentleman started to feel dizzy and generally unwell and so rang for an ambulance. North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) asked us to attend as the party was off the beaten track.
We sent two Land Rovers in case of a stretcher carry, but in the event we were able to drive right to the Casualty. There were concerns regarding some underlying health issues but on our arrival the gentleman had recovered somewhat.
We carried out various checks and concluded that he had probably just over-exerted himself and there was no reason for any major concern now. We gave the couple a lift back to the Ferry to Bowness for them to make their way back to their accommodation and take it easy for the remainder of the day.
10 volunteer members attended for 2 hours.