Incident 16 of 2022:-
23/05/2022, 16.34, Brandy Crag quarry, SD284985
It was a cool and calm Spring day when we were called by Cumbria Police about a sheep cragfast above a quarry. It transpired that it was a large dog, a Rottweiler, which needed rescuing. In her exuberance, she had pulled her lead out of her owner’s grasp and followed a sheep, which ran over the edge of the quarry. Sadly, again, she fell quite a distance and sustained fatal injuries. She was lowered to the bottom of the quarry and reunited with her owner.
Marnie was only three years old and her zest for the outdoors filled her short life with fun and joy. The Team sends her owner and family their warm wishes and condolences.
We shall however monitor the sheep at the top of the quarry for a few days – they frequently self-rescue, or are easier to catch and rescue when food runs out and they weaken.
After two incidents in two days (and three in six months) where dogs have fallen into quarries, dog owners are respectfully asked to take extra care when in the vicinity of quarries, especially if there are sheep around. Thank you.
10 volunteer members attended for 1.5 hours.