Coniston Fells 13th August 2015 20:23hrs 39/2015


The evening had turned showery but remained mild.

We received a report that 6 mountain bikers were overdue from their arrival at their lodgings in Coppermines Valley. They had been cycling from St. Bees to Coniston and although experienced and well equipped, they had not rendezvoused at some of the agreed points along the route.

The Team Leader tried unsuccessfully to contact the group on a number of occasions. However, the party had actually communicated to a friend that they were not far from Coppermines Valley and were all safe and well, albeit tired. Although a full team call out was not initiated, members were asked to standby whilst the group’s whereabouts was ascertained. Team Members who had already arrived at the Base were dispatched to a couple of different locations to see if they could meet up with the cyclists. After about 3/4hr the party had safely checked in and so the Team was stood down.

7 Team Members were involved with this call out which took just over an hour.

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