Dow Crag area

Incident 64 of 2023:-
14/12/23, 16.04, Dow Crag area, SD263976
It was a misty, windy afternoon when CUMPOL (Cumbria Police) asked us to investigate cries for help in the Dow Crag area, possibly around the gullies. Two walkers heading west up the Walna Scar track, had heard the calls for help and tried to locate their exact whereabouts, but due to the mist and wind, they were unsuccessful.
We deployed two vehicles with the objective of splitting into small parties and searching the Dow Crag basin, including the gullies themselves. Rope sacks and First Aid equipment were taken to cover all eventualities. We also asked for assistance from Duddon & Furness Mountain Rescue Team, as it was getting dark and we needed to cover quite a large area intensively. One of their Search dogs was also used. Another Land Rover was tasked with transporting some of these members to the Walna Scar Track. In total we had five parties searching the Dow Crag Ridge, gullies, Blind Tarn, Goats Water sides to Goats Hawse, the western slopes of Coniston Old Man, and Nettle Crag.
The areas were cleared and eventually it was decided that due to the conditions and with no positive signs of anybody, all personnel should return to Base. CUMPOL confirmed there had not been any reports of missing persons, and agreed this was the best course of action. They would contact me immediately should a relevant MISPER call come through to them.
This was a simple case of walkers with good intent and care for others, and one can never be sure help isn’t required until investigated. Always better to check in these circumstances to be on the safe side.
We would also like to thank DFMRT for their help with the Search.
12 Coniston Team Members responded and 8 from Duddon & Furness (+ one dog). The incident took just over 5 hours.