Goat’s Water

Incident 17 of 2024:-
23/03/24, 10.05, Goat’s Water, SD266973
This was a seriously windy day. The Met Office had forecast gusts on the Old Man of Coniston in excess of 50mph, and snow. A gentleman walking around Goat’s Water was blown over and sustained a leg injury which prevented him walking further.
Cumbria Police asked us to assist, and we despatched two Land Rovers up the Walna Scar track to the rock step, and walked up from there. Because this was likely to be a relatively long stretcher-carry back down and we were a bit short of numbers, we asked our colleagues at Duddon and Furness MRT for assistance, and they kindly came over to help. We had a number of our team members assisting with the Coniston 14 road race who were therefore unavailable for this incident because of the timing.
In pretty serious conditions, the man was assessed, strong pain relief given, and a leg splint applied. We then stretchered him off the hill, and he was taken by land ambulance from our base to Furness General Hospital for further treatment.
11 team members attended, plus 12 from Duddon team, whom we thank for their help. Thanks also to the kind walkers who waited with the casualty for us to arrive. The incident took 4 hours.