Great Carrs – Revisited 23rd April 2015

Great carrs 23.4.15

Following the incident on Great Carrs from Monday, the team was asked to see if they could retrieve the gentleman’s rucksack. The downdraft from the helicopter had blown it further down the crags.

A search from the top of the gullies by one team member had proved fruitless, so three other members and three dogs set off in the evening to carry out a search of the area. Once on the buttress they split up. Fortunately the rucksack was soon located amidst the rocks thanks to the colour, followed by various items which had obviously been dislodged. They were returned back in the rucksack (apart from the sandwiches which the dogs thoroughly enjoyed) and the members climbed up on to the Great Carrs ridge to make their way back via Prison Band.

The search in total took just over 2 ½ hours.