Grizedale Forest

Incident 31 of 2024:-
07/06/24, 11:02, Grizedale Forest, SD329946
On a cool, cloudy day, a family was walking up to Carron Crag in Grizedale when one of the party had a medical episode. Fortuitously, a passing cyclist was a trauma doctor and stayed to assist – thank you. North West Ambulance Service was called, and deployed Helimed 08 from Blackpool, a land ambulance and us. We despatched two Land Rovers, arriving after the paramedics from the air ambulance. We brought a stretcher up in case it was needed, but, after assessment, the casualty was able to be helped down the narrow path to the land ambulance waiting on a forest track. He was taken to Furness General Hospital for further treatment.
11 volunteer team members attended, and the incident took1 hour and 35 minutes.