Hardknott Pass

Incident 29 of 2024
26/05/24, 17.43, Hardknott Pass, NY232015
The Team was contacted by Duddon & Furness MRT as they were transferring an incident to us which concerned a missing female walker in the Coniston Old Man area. Her friends had not been able to contact her since the morning so she was reported missing.
It was a showery but mild early evening when the Team convened at the Base ready for a long and possibly difficult search. However, fortunately we were able to make contact with the lady who was safe and well. She had got lost but with the help of other walkers had managed to find her way down to Hardknott Pass. She was then able to get a lift to Ambleside, and make the necessary calls once she had a phone signal. The Team was stood down.
9 members attended and the incident took just under 30 minutes.