Old Man of Coniston

Incident 19 of 2023:-
12/04/23, 13.16, Old Man of Coniston, SD273976
As the forecasts had predicted, winter returned to the fell-tops today, and a couple of walkers were caught out by the snow, wind and poor visibility. When the lady could not continue, they called for help. Cumbria Police contacted us, and we located them with a phonefinder function on the south-east side of the Old Man. Two Land Rovers were despatched up to Bursting Stone Quarry, and we walked up from there.
Having found the pair, they were assessed, warm drinks and food given, dry clothing put on, and escorted down from the hill to our vehicles. They were then driven back to base for a warm-up and a chat about mountain conditions.
11 volunteer members attended for 2 hours and 55 minutes.