Old Man of Coniston

Incident 2 of 2024:-
01/01/24, 11.53, Old Man of Coniston, SD273978
It was a dry New Year’s Day, with the tops in cloud, and many walkers were about on the fells. Unfortunately, a lady slipped just below the summit of the Old Man of Coniston and hurt her ankle. We despatched two Land Rovers, and asked for assistance from our neighbours at Duddon and Furness MRT since the stretcher carry would be a long and initially difficult one. Having walked up to her, she was assessed, pain relief given, and the ankle was splinted. We then carried her on our stretcher down below the cloudbase.
Fortunately, HM Coastguard’s Rescue 199 helicopter was able to assist, landing close to us on the fellside. We loaded the stretcher in, and she was flown to Carlisle hospital for treatment.
13 volunteer team members attended, plus 5 from Duddon and Furness MRT, and the incident lasted 3 hours and 42 minutes.