Old Man of Coniston

Incident 3 of 2024:-
07/01/24, 15.19, Old Man of Coniston, SD276974
On a cold clear winter’s day, a party was descending the Old Man of Coniston on the south-east side, which is quite steep and grassy with few clear paths. A lady slipped, hurt her ankle and was unable to walk further. Cumbria Police alerted us and we despatched two Land Rovers to Bursting Stone Quarry, and walked up from there.
The casualty was assessed, pain relief given, the ankle splinted and she was then stretchered down the steep slope with a rope back-up line. One of the Land Rovers was converted into an ambulance, and she was driven down to our base. There, she was transferred to a family member’s car for the drive to Furness General Hospital.
16 members attended, and this incident lasted 2 hours and 55 minutes.