Red Dell

Incident 35 of 2024:-
22/06/24, 09:55, Red Dell Workings, SD288990
It was a sunny morning and the Team Leader was walking her dog towards Red Dell. When approaching the old mine shafts she heard a lamb bleating, as well as what she considered to be its mother, calling for it close by. On investigation she discovered the lamb was down one of the shafts.
After discussing the situation with a deputy TL who, along with some other Team members, was training with RPMRT (Rossendale & Pendle MRT), it was decided to go and hopefully rescue the lamb. However, in the meantime, a member of the public had also heard it and phoned Cumbria Police. A quick phone call to the caller confirmed it was the same one. Unfortunately on the way there we received a second callout, but fortunately for us we were able to accept the assistance of COMRU (Cumbria Ore Mines Rescue Unit) who were in the area and had seen our log. They agreed to search for the lamb.
After going into the various shaft levels, although there were signs the lamb had been in there some time, they could not see or hear it. It was therefore concluded that it had either fallen the 50 metres down the stope in which case it would not have survived, or we could hope for the more positive alternative that it had managed to find its way out encouraged by the sound of its mother.
5 team members were involved with this incident, plus 1 member from RPMRT, and 2 from COMRU. Time spent on this incident was about 2 hours.