Incident 29 of 2022
29/07/22, 17.43, Tilberthwaite, NY306010
Another pleasant evening for a callout. Cumbria Police called us about a walker who had not returned to his party’s car at Tilberthwaite. This is a contender for our shortest ever callout, because the walker was located and we were stood down after exactly 5 minutes. It does not win, though, as Incident 4 earlier this year was even shorter at 3 minutes. However the Team Leader remained on standby until she received confirmation that the missing walker had returned safely to the car park, approx. 40 mins later.
8 volunteer team members attended for 5 minutes, and the TL for 45 minutes. Since we didn’t even get a Land Rover out of the garage, here is one on an earlier incident.