Incident 59 of 2024 28/09/24, 13.58, Old Man of Coniston, SD274980 On a cloudy and wet afternoon, North West Ambulance Service asked us to help a man who was feeling…
Incident 58 of 2024 21/09/24, 11.28, Walna Scar track, SD274964 It was a warm but breezy late morning when Cumbria Police asked us to go to the assistance of a…
Incident 57 of 2024:- 17/09/24, 14.00, Colwith, NY330030 It was a lovely early autumn afternoon when North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) advised us of an incident at Colwith where a…
Incident 56 of 2024:- 14/09/2024, 21.13, Scafell area It was a wet evening when we received a request from Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team, to assist with a search in the…
Incident 55 of 2024:- 03/09/2024, 20.39, Grisedale Tarn, CUMPOL contacted us regarding a couple reported as lost in the Grisedale Tarn area while walking the Westmorland Way from Patterdale, heading…
Incident 54 of 2024:- 31/08/24, 14.09, Stickle Ghyll, NY294064 One of our Team members who works close to the location was asked by Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team (LAMRT) to…
Incident 53 of 2024:- 31/08/24, 17.41, High Pike, NY374093 It had been a warm and dry day when we received a request from Langdale & Ambleside MRT (LAMRT) for assistance.…
Incident 52 of 2024:- 30/08/24, 14.53 Cumbria Police was alerted to a casualty by a member of the public and tasked the job to us. However, the exact location was…
Incident 51 of 2024:- 29/08/24, 13.47, Goat’s Water, SD266977 On a cool and dry day, three ladies were descending from the Old Man of Coniston when one had a walking…
Incident 50 of 2024:- 23/08/24, 14.13, Goat’s Water, SD267973 It was a cool and dry day after some heavy rain. A male walker was descending from the Old Man of…