18:17 (Grid SD 276 981)
Cumbria Police (CUMPOL) contacted the team to assist with a female walker having slipped below Low Water on the Old Man of Coniston.
A full team call out was initiated and team members arrived at the base ready to be deployed.
Two vehicles left the base and made way to the top of Brandy Crag quarry. From here we quickly made it on to the main path to rendezvous with the casualty.
Entonox was administered while the casualties ankle was assessed and splinted.
Once the casualty was ready she was helped onto the stretcher and carried down off the mountain.
On arrival at base, paramedics from the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) further assessed the casualty. It was decided that the casualty should be taken to Furness General in Barrow for further treatment.
This call out involved 13 team members and lasted 2 hours.